- Quick Wash function is designed to clean small, lightly soiled loads in 15 minutes.
- 2 Year Warranty
- 15 Washing Programs: This is a creating premium washing machine, endorses superb functions, baby care, quick wash.
- Durable Inverter Moter: The upgraded inverter motor in this appliance runs smoothly and generates less heat, which means it runs quieter, more efficiently and is much more durable.
- Pause & Add: Just press the “Start/Pause” button to add any item of clothing during the washing cycle, whether that is a stray sock or a forgotten T-shirt.
Part Number | WFQP9014EVM |
Model | WFQP9014EVM |
Warranty | 2 year manufacturer. |
Color | White |
Size | 9kg |
Energy Efficiency Class | C |
Bella blue –
Received my washer promptly and delivered to the back of my house. Have used my new machine on different settings and all washes and smells wonderfully clean. I love the big door port hole making it easier to load and the touch controls. I have also downloaded the app and tried the delayed start option which all went smoothly. The washer is quiet and does it’s job well. The only negative I have was having to stick a plate on the bottom which supposedly helps with vibrations. You need 2 people, one to tip the machine and 1 to stick which was difficult as my partner is disabled but we managed.
Gwen –
Lo que más me gusta es la capacidad que tiene, por lo que te ahorras mucho trabajo. No hace apenas ruido, deja la ropa impecable y además tiene muchos programas! Sin duda la recomiendo!!
Benjamin Bruce –
Previous washing machine was just over a year old and despite being a well branded one, horrible, programs began to fail and had a siren like alarm to tell you when a cycle was finished, used to wake up from my sleep, had to physically get up to go and open the door to stop the alarm from repeatedly going off, cba to repair, so much wrong with it, I bought the brand thinking well known brand it will be reliable, I was wrong. It only provided parts and techinical warranty. this one has been working from day one, it is intuitive and the programs work so far, one beep when it finishes and that’s it, it was cheaper than the old one, got it on special and 2 reduction price sale and black Friday at the same time.
So far no problems, I pad for amazon to install and take the old one away, very impressive service, just one recommendation, they left the old inflow pipe on to leave me a spare, but as it turned out the old pipe was leaking and I had to pull it out and replace it with the new one, not worth keeping the old one, saving time on them installing, but even though they did a short test, it wouldn’t pick up that there was a leak until I started noticing my dog was doing big pees are the washing machhine, turned out to be a leak from washing machine.
Babu uwimana –
Ho comprato questa lavatrice Hisense guardando in rete più recensioni possibili e devo dire che un po di dubbi mi erano rimasti xke anche se ne parlano tutti bene, si sà che fino a quando non si tocca con mano non si ha la conferma di ciò che si sta usando… Bene: lavatrice arrivata imballata veramente bene perfetta senza un minimo graffietto o ammaccatura, montato quello che andava montato per la prova iniziale, fatto un ciclo rapido a vuoto con detersivo per lavare il tutto… Pannello dei programmi super intuitivo, ciò messo dai 5 ai 7 secondi x capire il funzionamento, accesa e zero, nessun rumore!!! È silenzioissima (complice anche l’abitudine a quella vecchia che ormai non ne poteva più) cmq molto bella e funzionale oggi fatto il primo lavaggio e tutto ok, indumenti belli puliti lavati bene e ribadisco, RUMORE BASSISSIMO!!! OK
K. Clark –
Very nice machine. The key thing is that the machine offers the features of typical mid to high end Western brands – but at a price point that’s much more reasonable. Makes me wonder what exactly we’re paying for with the more traditional brands as they’re produced in the same place as this machine anyway – China.
– It’s well featured – I’ve got everything I need without things I don’t (like Wifi connectivity) – I can control temperature, spin cycles, set a custom delay, have access to all the programs I’d need, and the machine can be paused and the door unlocked + opened early in the cycle if you forget a sock, etc.
– It weighs the washing when running some of the cycles (like the Eco 40 to 60 cycle) – which minimises electricity and water consumption when underloading – and also shortens the wash time.
– It’s quiet – a few people mention that it’s extremely loud, which has not been my experience at all – I’d be surprised if that wasn’t because they’re forgotten to remove the four bolts holding the drum in place during shipping.
– It’s efficient. Doesn’t cost much to run in terms of water or electricity.
– The price is great. I got the 10 kg washer for £279. I’d expect to pay over £500 for a typical Western brand.
– The machine lacks a boat / insert for the detergent drawer for liquid detergent so it just runs straight into the sump hose if you run the machine with a delay. However, this is easy to get around by putting a plastic wash ball containing the detergent in the drum on top of the washing. Strictly speaking this is meant to get better results than putting the detergent in the drawer anyway, although it won’t be compatible with using pre-wash.
– Documentation is not well written, with lots of English errors. The details for the different wash cycles are on a separate piece of paper which is easy to lose, and it’s really tough to find the PDF version of the sheet as it’s not on Hisense’s website as it should be.
– Spin performance isn’t as good as competitors. Towels, heavy cotton etc comes out damper than other machines I’ve used. Certainly not sodden or soaked, but certainly damper than I’d like. But one can run another spin cycle.
– Drum’s a little smaller than one would expect for 10 kg. I believe this is a bigger problem for the smaller drums, like 7 or 8 kg. Worth going for a bigger drum.
Can’t say anything for long-term reliability of course, but it looks like most of the parts internally are separate rather than some manufacturer’s approach of ‘everything is in in the drum assembly so you’re better off buying a new washing machine than repairing’ con.
If it was more expensive, it would be 4/5 stars. But for the price I bought it for, definitely 5/5.
germano –
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Lavatrice veramente molto bella e con una funzione in più di altre classiche lavatrici, la funzione a vapore mi ha stupito l’ho provata e devo dire che smacchia una meraviglia anche senza detersivo.
Una signora che ha visto il mio video mi ha fatto notare di aver sbagliato riguardo appunto la funzione a vapore dove io dicevo che non andava il detersivo, invece ci và tranquillamente, e in più ho sbagliato anche per quanto riguarda i numeri che ci sono vicino i vari programmi ovvero non sono i gradi ma i minuti, quindi mi scuso per questi due errori fatti e siccome vi voglio aiutare davvero negli acquisti “vi prego solo per questa volta di non badare a queste due cose errate che ho detto ” d’altronde gli errori sono umani 🙏🙏 !
Per il resto vi ho detto tutto come meglio potevo , avete tutto ciò che vi serve nel video.
Se avete qualche domanda sono disponibile a rispondere a tutti.
Comunque è veramente un ottimo acquisto ve lo assicuro se la scegliete non sbagliate di certo!
Auguro un buon acquisto a tutti .
Marco –
Ana y Jose Antonio –
Bella e facile da usare. Silenziosa
K. Clark –
I had a cheap noisy machine before this and it lasted well until it didn’t.
I have a large family and needed something big, quiet and able to steam clothes due to child’s disability.
Firstly this machine is nearly silent! It’s so quiet even on max spin. It’s a dream! We sit in the kitchen a lot and that’s where my machine is and sometimes I don’t realise it’s on.
The clothes are spun to near dry! I was so impressed with this as it saves so much time drying.
The drum is huge and washes a lot of clothes very well! The only issue I e had is when I washed a large duvet the machine stopped and said uneven load! I had to take the duvet out and reposition it back in and ring a bit of it out. This only happened once and when I washed another duvet it didn’t happen. That’s why I dropped a star but really it would be half a star
In all for the price I’m absolutely delighted in this machine and has topped my expectations.
Main washes we use go from 15 min freshen to 58 min standard quick wash to 3 hr cotton pre wash. It has a steam wash also which is roughly around 2.5hrs but works fab on delicates and tough stains.
I’d recommend this machine 100%