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(13 customer reviews)

Akitas Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Upright Handheld Stick Lightweight Rechargeable Lithium Battery Good For Carpet, Pet Hair (AKV8)

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Original price was: £99.99.

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  • Powerful 22.2V LI-ION battery providing up to 40 minute run time, 150W Power Span
  • Weighs only 2.4Kg,Easy to operate and move around
  • Cordless Design
  • Energy efficient Eco Mode and Max mode
  • Motorised turbo brush Head with LED Light
  • Warranty period: 2 years, giving you peace of mind with your purchase

13 reviews for Akitas Cordless Vacuum Cleaner Upright Handheld Stick Lightweight Rechargeable Lithium Battery Good For Carpet, Pet Hair (AKV8)

  1. Andre Centini

    Der Akkusauger ist sehr gut verarbeitet
    Laufzeit ausreichend, Lautstärke des Geräts vollkommen in Ordnung, gute Saugkraft auch wenn die Max Taste nicht betätigt wird, Akku 🔋 hält somit auch etwas länger. Man kann den Staubfangbehälter sehr gut und leicht reinigen. Die mitgelieferte Bürste um den Filter zu reinigen ist Gold wert, jedoch leichtes klopfen löst hierbei den meisten Dreck aus den feinen Poren. Ersatzfilter zu diesem Profukt findet man auch hier über Amazon. Der rotierende Bürstenkopf ist auch gut zu reinigen. Mit Hilfe einer Münze lässt sich die Verriegelung leicht öffnen. Die Bürsten können zur Reinigung herausgenommen werden und lassen sich auch recht einfach wieder einsetzen.
    Für mich eine klare Kaufempfehlung für ein schnelles Reinigen zwischendurch und für kleinere Wohnungen absolut ausreichend und geeignet.

  2. Johnson248

    I love this hoover – I really wanted a cordless hoover as I knew it would motivate me to do the cleaning a bit more, as having a corded hoover is such a faff when you’re trying to clean the whole house. This is a great design, so much easier to use, nice and light – I actually enjoy hoovering with it. It’s quick and easy to empty as well. Got rid of my old hoover! The battery also lasts a long time – my house is only tiny so it may be different for someone with a large house, but I can easily get the whole house hoovered on one charge. Love it, totally recommend.

  3. Daniel Dorling

    Was shocked to realise the Charger wasn’t in the box now I need it! It never occurred to me when I first received it, especially as there was some charge on the Cleaner which is lightweight enough for me to use as I have arthritis in my hands. It was easy to use as well with a fairly strong power considering the reasonable price. However without the Charger I can no longer use it. The Charger is presently unavailable and they don’t know when it will be. Having only used it twice it’s now a useless vacuum which makes it’s reasonable price now seem very expensive. So I’m not particularly pleased about this.

  4. Christine N.

    Après deux ans d’utilisations presque quotidienne, l’aspirateur fais encore très bien son travail.

    – Il reste discret et ne fais pas un bruit excessif
    – Il est encore très bon en autonomie de batterie
    – Il aspire très bien avec un entretien toujours régulier de ma part

    Il est pas chère. Efficace. Pratique. Sans fil. Niveau choix économique, vous ne pouvez pas trouver mieux.

    PS: J’ai 68m2 et il les fait largement même avec une batterie de 2 ans+.

  5. Amazon Customer

    For a budget vacuum this is ok. Had it for a few months and it ok, quick to charge, reasonable powerful suction, the rollers tend to spin a bit fast and spread the dirt out before it collects the dirt, used it mostly with just the nozzle without the roller attachment, tube can get clogged easily but breaks apart so easy to unblock, easy to empty. to levels of suction power. quite light weight and easy to store, over all simple but effective great for quick clean ups but not a deep clean

  6. Amazon Customer

    I am impressed with this vacuum cleaner as it holds its charge for cleaning a 3 bedroom house and the suction picks up the tiniest particles of dust. Having a “ busy” household with my older children living at home and pets and a dark hardwood floor with carpeted stairs, I like to vacuum daily without it feeling like a chore. With this vacuum I can clean the floors in 10 to 15 minutes. I also hold a therapy practise at home and so footfall naturally brings in the outside elements which I can deal with quickly.
    Bagless vacuums have a build up of dirt which can affect the performance of the filter and the Akitas has a protective built in feature covering the filter which you can remove quickly and brush clean. I think this will help a lot long term. I had a Dyson vacuum and even these are not impervious to getting clogged over time.
    The vacuum has a useful attachment which reaches corners and is good for cleaning small areas in a car.
    It is quite lightweight but perhaps not the lightest on the market. However, I have arthritic hands and find this vacuum easy to handle.
    The price of this vacuum did appeal and it does challenge the idea that you need to pay a lot of money for better quality.


    Scopa elettrica sorprendente! Possedevo un Dyson V10 e leggevo tante recensioni sul fatto che questa non fosse lontanamente paragonabile… falso! È vero che la potenza della prima è superiore, ma questa è molto più maneggevole e leggera, molto più agevole e facile nello svuotamento,
    molto più silenziosa e pratica… sia io che la mia fidanzata non la cambieremmo per nessun’altra Dyson, che (aldilà del peso) nel tempo ci ha dato innumerevoli problemi sino a non aspirare quasi più e di cui un singolo pezzo di ricambio da solo costa praticamente quanto questa intera scopa elettrica! La batteria fa il suo lavoro, a meno che non abbiate una casa troppo grande… Altra pecca: la guarnizione laterale di gomma della spazzola fa un po’ attrito col battiscopa quando si deve aspirare lateralmente a filo parete. Avrei dato 4 stelle per questi ultimi 2 punti da me menzionati, ma sinceramente per il prezzo mi ha sorpreso, per cui 5 stelle se le merita tutte!

  8. jonatan

    Arrived fast and product is great with a good price! Not for heavyweight jobs, but still very good!!!

  9. Morwenna

    Arrived well packaged. Easy to assemble and instructions simple to follow and understand. Seems to work well after I had charged it and does pick up dust/ mess off the floor with good suction. Easy to carry upstairs because it is not heavy. Serves the purpose without having to pay a lot of money!

  10. DamyRocknRoll

    Buen aspirador sin cable, pequeño y poder de succión razonable, tiene modo normal y máximo que va bastante bien, muy cómodo para vaciar el depósito y limpiarlo

  11. mark pearce

    I love this little machine! It charges up within a reasonable time and the charge lasts for several uses. It is easy to manoeuvre and does a great job of picking up dust, cat fluff and other daily detritus. It is easy to empty and takes up very little space when not in use. Add that to the very attractive price and I’m a very happy customer. Thank you.

  12. A. Soltani

    Absolutely fantastic and good price to light and easy to use on the stairs

  13. Scottie

    This is the first cordless vacuum I’ve purchased and when I started using it, compared to the Hetty hoover I’d owned previously it’s very lightweight and easy to use. The battery seems to last fairly well but after using it several times now the suction isn’t really there, even when on the high power mode. When I went to check the brush head I could see a lot of long carpet fibres were getting tangled up in it which just added to the poor suction. I had to use scissors to cut out the hair fibres. Also it’s quite easy to assemble but the dustbin on it gets full quickly and you have to be careful when emptying it to not spill any.

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